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Weigh 2 Go!

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Great Job, Team.  We are down another 22.5 Lbs! Keep up the great work.  Mike is really getting int o the groove lately.  Double workouts.  Tons of miles on the bike and the treadmill.  Me –well, I’ve been holding my own.  Not as intense as last week, but still hitting the gym a little everyday, trying to keep the calories down, and the chocolate away.

This week has been a week of yearly check-ups.  Teeth cleanings, yearly physicals.–All those fun things. I managed to prove I was healthy.  No excuses, now, huh.  But it’s nice to know everything is going well inside and out.  It’s also good to have someone else confirm all those moles are looking the way they’ re suppose to, and the odd age spots and wrinkles are just signs that time is passing.

In general, I’m lucky.  Good genes, few diseases, and the ones my family deals with, for the most part, are preventable.  It seems that so many of my long time friends and acquaintances are struggling with some of those other types: cancer , heart disease,  diabetes.  So, my suggestion for the day: Make your yearly appointment.  Check your blood pressure.  Keep your eye on those changing pigments, and be aware of changes in your health and digestion.  Hopefully, all of the hard work we’re doing to get and stay in shape will help with all those preventative ailments, but don’t ignore the signs.  Besides, your doctor is always impressed when you show him how hard you’ve been working out.