I was reading the South Dakota Magazine that came in the mail and came upon a picture of our trainer Lisa in a DSU football jersey. The picture looked familiar and it should. We looked through the archives and sure enough, we found it. So how did a Black Studios image make it into the South Dakota Magazine without our knowledge?
We support DSU athletics by supplying images to the University of action shots. The image of Lisa was taken at Homecoming a year ago from last Fall. The picture made its way through the channels and into the magazine. It’s quite cool to see your image in print. Even though we’ve had hundreds of images published in newspapers and magazines (even one in Sports Illustrated), it still is a great feeling.
This was the perfect photo to represent DSU in our annual College Guide! Sorry we didn’t realize it was your image (we’re usually very good about giving credit where it is deserved), but thanks for understanding. I look forward to keeping up with your blog now and thanks for reading South Dakota Magazine!
-Heidi & everyone at South Dakota Magazine
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