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Wall Portraits

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8-12-07_G6GH7744One of my pet peeves is people spending a great deal of money on portraits but not displaying any on the walls of their home. They may have Redlin or John Green art prints hanging proudly in frames, but the family pictures are stuck away in an upstairs hallway.

Your family is more important than anything else on Earth, yet so many of us will not show our family how much we love them by having a wall portrait in our living rooms. Photographers are no better than anyone else, but I resolved to show my family that they are important to me. We had our friends at Melby Photo in Brookings take our family picture almost 2 years ago. We had a big print made and Melbys helped us pick out an appropriate frame. All I had to do was put a nail in the living room wall and hang it.

BTW – A “big” print is NOT an 8×10. We had a 20×24 made and I think that next time it will be 30×40. The 20×24 is nice but it isn’t large enough to make the right statement.

I get enjoyment out of our family picture every time I enter the room. It reminds me about what’s really important in my life…and sometimes I need that.

Thank you to Melby Photo of Brookings for letting us use this image in our blog.