Today’s adventure took us to Brookings. Rachel and I hopped in the van and went up the interstate to the Swiftel Center where the ORR girls’ basketball team played Hamlin in the Swiftel Classic. Here are a few images from the game. Check out Tuesday’s Madsion Daily Leader for more.
Logan seemed to be everywhere on the floor.
Chelsea directed traffic for ORR. We’ve taken more pictures of Chelsea driving down the floor with the ball than any other player over the past few years. Wherever the action is Chelsea will be in the middle of it.
Carly’s speed works to her advantage on the basketball floor.
The game was very close at the end. It looked as if ORR would sqeak out a victory with a one point lead. A couple of free throws later, Hamlin took the lead with only seconds left on the clock. Chelsea’s dad Larry and I watched the game from the end of the court. Ever the coach, Larry was up and down as the seconds turned down. It looked as if the game was lost. The ball was thrown in, passed quickly to Bree way outside the three point line. Bree caught the ball, turned and then shot the ball in one motion. As the ball left her fingertips the buzzer went off and the red light came on signifying the end of the game. The crowd went wild in stunned disbelief as the ball fell from the net. Bree and the team celebrated the perfect ending with hugs. THis was one of those times, I got caught up in the excitement of the game and forgot the camera. So no I did not get the shot…but it was a great ending just the same.