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Our family pictures

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Photographers are the worst at taking time to have their own family portraits taken.

We’ve been so blessed to have our good friends, the Melby’s in Brookings, take our pictures again this winter.

What is this you say? A photographer bragging up a competitors work!?!?

The photography world is really very small. We may be competitors in business, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. Most of the established studios have good social relationships with their peers. Besides the obvious comraderie that is shared, we can count on each other in times of need or emergency. That is great peace of mind when you are your own boss.

Many of us refer work back and forth, especially when we are already booked for a wedding.

Now anytime is a great time to get your family picture taken. So many people put it off until they lose that weight or get that perfect haircut. Years and years can go by without any visual record of your family. Kids grow up and parents grow old and die. So before too many more grey hairs populate your head and your kids graduate and move out, consider making an appointment with the photographer of your choice for your family pictures.

Today we are celebrating 31 straight days of daily entries in our blog. One of our New Year’s resolutions was to blog every day. It isn’t always easy to take the time to share a few images along with a few thoughts. We are also in the midst of another New Year’s resolution that we all make: to get in shape. We are now regular patrons of the Community Center in Madison. Michael is at the mercy of a personal trainer named Justin while ElizaBeth so far prefers to work out without “encouragement.” Ibuprofen is wonderful stuff. So far, it seems to be working and there is less of us than 3 weeks ago. Everyone says that you get used to it after while…They lied. Personal trainers push you harder than you would ever push yourself. The thought does run through your mind: “I am paying someone to push me so hard that I can’t lift my arms at the end of the session. This is not logical.” Not only do they get you stronger, they vary the routine to find your weaknesses. They have found them.