I am really trying to stay positive this year but…
This morning I was one of the speakers giving programs at the Smith/Zimmermann Museum in Madison for the Madison elementary students. I drove into Madison on icy roads. By the time the kids left at 11:30, we had major snow coming down. After a stop at the grocery store, I drove 20-25 mph all the way home to Rutland.
I made it home safe and sound but I did drag bottom most of the way home. All of our sessions have cancelled for today and tomorrow’s activities are in doubt. I have several competition prints that need to be delivered to Fargo by tomorrow afternoon for the affiliated judging at the Northern Light Convention. The interstate closed mid-afternoon today from Brookings to the ND border.
Here’s what our van looked like earlier today with the studio in the background.
Didn’t that groundhog promise 6 more weeks of winter?