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Merry Christmas from Black Studios – Rutland South Dakota

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12-24-09 Kids w truck

We are taking a break from the photography studio and spending time with family. It looks as if we are staying home this Christmas because of the impending snow storm that is forecast to drop up to a foot and a half of the white stuff on Sioux Falls SD and surrounding area. We finished delivery of wedding pictures on Tuesday and senior rave books on Wednesday.

We picked up the last presents yesterday while shopping in Madison and visiting family. Getting around is a little easier this winter with our very used 1988 Ford F250 4 wheel drive pickup. The first thing we did yesterday was to lock in the front hubs and put it into 4 wheel drive. The 460 cu. in. engine eats gas but we had no trouble on the icy roads. We refilled one of the gas tanks this morning. Seven miles to the gallon was the result. I hope we don’t have to use it too often.

The kids were out playing in the snow already. I didn’t know that shoveling snow could be so much fun.

Merry Christmas!

1 thought on “Merry Christmas from Black Studios – Rutland South Dakota”

  1. This is so cool, Mike.

    My brother and I were not excited, at ages 8 and 11, when our folks announced we were leaving Colorado. But moving to a similarly snowy place, such as
    southeastern SD certainly made the adjustment easier.

    I think of Madison often, especially when hearing “Winter Wonderland,” by Johnny Mathis. We don’t get the snow in KC that we once did, in the 80’s, tho’ tonight is looking pretty snowy.

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