We’ve been waiting to finish the belltower for a few years now. We should’ve had it done when we shingled the main part of the church, but hindsight is always 20/20.
We found a willing contractor finally and through the assistance of a 50 ft. lift, we were able to get the belltower painted and the roof edges shingled.
It’s quite the dramatic change in looks.
There’s still three louvers to put in and some tinwork to repair where the bell used to sit, but the hard part is over.
Mike helped the contractor put in the new louvers yesterday. Lumber dimensions have changed slightly since 1892. The new boards we slightly thicker, so a little beveling had to be done…40 ft off the ground and Mike is scared of heights.
So the belltower looks great but the tin on the steeple now looks a little sad. That will have to wait for another day.