Lake Preston defeated the boys from ORR on Saturday night at the Swiftel Center to clinch the District 4B crown.
Usually I don’t comment on newspaper photographers. At the Swiftel Center, the best place to be is either right next to the basket or sitting on the edge of the floor. That way you don’t block the someone else’s view. I’ve done this long enough to develop a 6th sense about where the best place to be to capture the action. The image of the ball at the end of the fingertips is great but there is so much more to the game than a player taking a shot. I don’t use flash when photographing basketball. I don’t like the look of the harsh shadows and I imagine the flash might be a distraction to the players during the game. Flash is a necessity during the football season after sunset. Even then I hate using it.
I get asked all the time: are there more pictures? Usually the answer is yes, but I try to include the best while having a variety of players. Most games, the point guard is the subject of more images than the other players. My friend and former sports editor of the Madison Daily Leader, Dan Holsworth, used to say, I only need ONE picture for the newspaper.
Here are a few pictures from the game last night.
If you would like a print of one of these images please call the studio at (605)586-4143.