We took today off to spend with our kids as a family unit…no studio work. That’s not exactly true. We did spend a little time unloading the van and put things away from Friday’s wedding in Madison (Kevin and Audry) and Saturday’s wedding in Nunda (Laura and Anthony). All the files are downloaded, double checked and backed up to DVD. The batteries are all recharged and the cameras are ready to go for another week of studio sessions and ball teams. Only 4 hours today…
We spent this evening at Wild Water West. There is something to be said for sitting in an innertube and letting the artificial current take you round the “Lazy River”. I wasn’t as excited about the cold water being sprayed in my face as part of the experience, but that was offset by the fun of taking ElizaBeth with me. The kids had a great time on everything…even if dear ol’ Dad beat them on the go carts. It was fun just watching them laugh and play together.
I hope everyone had a great Father’s Day!