As photographers, education never ends. We are always trying to learn something new. We go to seminars, workshops and conventions. We share with our peers.
Last week, Mike was in Sioux Falls at Bruce Hudson’s New Directions Tour seminar on Tuesday night. Wednesday noon found him again at the Downtown Holiday Inn dor a SDPPA board meeting planning out next month’s Northern Light Winter Seminar.
Today’s adventure took us to National Camera in Golden Valley, MN. The Twin Cities seems like a long ways to go shopping for camera equipment, but local camera and consumer electronic stores don’t carry the high-end pro equipment that we use. Now we could just order over the phone, but then we would not be able to get a hands on look and get first hand expertise in the pro equipment that National Camera is famous for.
Our favorite camera salesman, Dave Johnson, was at a photoshop seminar so Brandon stepped in. So many times at local camera shops, we end up talking to someone who just isn’t up on digital cameras. This was not the case with Brandon. He really knew his stuff.
Did we buy anything?
No, we did not…not yet anyway. We will soon enough. Now that the research is done, we can just make a phone call to Dave or Brandon at National Camera and wait patiently for the UPS truck.