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DSU Graduation

05-09-10 DSU Graduation

I covered DSU Graduation on Saturday morning for the Madison Daily Leader. It was interesting to watch the photographers hired by DSU walk right in front of the podium in front of everyone. I could get the same shot with the big lens from the back. I wanted to help the gal taking pictures in front of the bright yellow backdrop. Flashes on brackets are used to keep the flash over the axis of the lens. She had the backet on backwards and didn’t bother to use the capabilities of the backet to flip the flash over the lens. She turned the camera vertical and had the flash off to the side which ends up giving you a march harsher side shadow. I wonder how their pictures will turn out.

Check out Moday’s Madison Daily Leader for more pictures. We did get pictures of all of the graduates getting their diplomas along with a few fun shots afterwards.