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Doing Swimmingly

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After Friday’s 20 laps in the pool, and yet no weight off, I was kind of crabby, so I took Saturday off, ate horribly, didn’t exercise, woke up on Sunday and had lost 2 lbs.  Huh!  Anyway, Sunday I worked out by playing with my kids.  After church, we went to 2nd St. Diner As much as I love their food, I do struggle finding foods when I go out to eat that aren’t all grease, white bread and sugar. Yes, I know about every restaurant offers a variety of lettuce salads, but there is only so many varieties of lettuce salad and  grilled chicken breasts that I really want to eat.  So, I’ve gotten better at sharing entrees with my family, and leaving leftovers on my plate.

After lunch, we went to the CC.  Mike kicked up the work out a little maniacally and did 14 miles on the spin bikes and a couple miles on the track.  I decided to do more with my kids while I had them with me, so I played racquetball with Dacey.  I’m in trouble because he just legitimately beat me for the first time.  I may never live it down, and now might have to kick it up a notch.  Rachel and I then swam for an hour.  The pool was packed, so I didn’t really get many laps in, but I did a lot of water walking, and some ab and arm exercises in the water.  In the meantime, Mike made plans for another 6:45 swim workout this morning.  I’m beginning to feel like I’m preparing to turn into a mermaid.

I was so not in the mood to get going this morning, but Mike is all fired up and Lisa was waiting for us.  She decided the 20 laps on Friday wasn’t enough, so her goal for us today was 25 laps.  I think she either got tired herself (nah!) or she figured I was planning on drowning just so I could take a break, because at 22 laps she let us be done.  I did feel better after the swim, but still wear out by midday after starting so early.

After the rest of the day on the computer, I needed to take Rachel in to dance class, so I used my half an hour wait time to get a quick run in.  I ran into teammate LJ who shared with me that she has already lost 12 lbs on the fitness challenge.  “Weigh 2 go!”  Keep up the great work.  I know she and her son have been doing the family GET active together, and I can really see the change in her son as well.  After a couple laps with her, I hopped on my favorite treadmill and started running.

Thank you, my cheerleaders, for cheering me on.  The track was busy, and all sort of mom friends encouraged me to keep going as they were lapping me.  I misplaced my music, so was kind of pouting and needed the extra encouragement.  I was watching Wheel of Fortune which is a pretty good mind-occupier while I was running.  Since I was really short on time, I only ran a mile, and then did 10 flights of stairs, no weights today.  By then, I was already running late to pick up Rachel and was worried about sliding around town on the ice.

So, here we are with a suggestion for the day:  Get a support group.  Grab a friend.  Have someone hold you responsible for your food and activity level.  I’m as much of a private person as anyone.  I prefer working out by myself,  would prefer not to share my weight goals with the whole world, and really like to act like a hermit half the time, but I know having Mike dragging me along to workouts, Lisa keeping me on schedule, and all of you checking in on me from time to time does help me keep going.  Then don’t be insulted when I return the favor, and encourage you in person to keep the faith and as Dori says, “Just Keep Swimming.”

Here’s Lisa at the end of her 20 laps on Friday and still all smiles.

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