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Day Three

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Lisa was tough on us today.  We went early for our workout, trying to get home before the wind picked up.  She had us run the treadmill.  As I said before running isn’t exciting for me.  Today, she wanted us to run  one and half miles.  Yes, I know, I’m a wimp, but anything after 1 mile and I start seeing stars.  I did it! Yeah!  without stopping or falling off the treadmill.  Dacey’s Christmas present to me,  a wireless mp3 player, really helps.  I can find a tune with a little beat and it helps me pace a little better and not think so much about the fact that I am falling apart.  (lungs hurting, side hurting, bladder exploding–why am I doing this?)  Anyway, we survived that and then continued with a leg and abs workout that included lunges, squats with weights, and a new toy:  Remember those fun little scooter we used to sit on and scoot around in relay races in elementary school.  Who knew they make great torture games for trainers.  We used them in plank fashion to push ourselves across the floor.  It looks like fun — but as usual, I have little core strength and the two lengths of the aerobic room were more than enough fun for me.   We finished with Lisa’s ritual ab workout.  Mike was whining a lot so Lisa let us end five minutes early.  Thank you, Lisa.


I came home craving beef stew.  Unfortunately, blizzards make me feel like hot chocolate, beef stew, homemade bread, brownies, –any other comfort foods I can find.  Having kids snowed in with me doesn’t help.  Tomorrow doesn’t look  like we will be wandering out too far.  The interstate is closed at 7 pm and the winds are suppose to increase as the temperatures drop.  We will have to figure out how to get moving and eat healthy while stuck in our little house.  Any suggestions?