Great Swim workout this morning. Dacey joined us and did an awesome job of keeping up with his mother and maybe motivating an unenthused Mike. As much as I like getting up and getting to the cc early in the morning, I LOVE to sleep in. Plus, there’s always so much to do in the morning, getting the kids to school, getting the laundry going, taking care of the dog. Usually by 8:00, the studio phone starts ringing. So, I really have to push myself to get an early morning workout in. Setting the appointment with Lisa helps. No excuses –someone’s waiting for me on the other end.
Lisa does a good water aerobic workout with us, and we try to get one in if not every week, every other week. We swim laps, but we also water jog, and use some of the other toys to focus on arms, legs and “our favorite” abs. I’m tired at the end but energized. If I ever had 15 minutes extra, I could then sit in the hot tub or sauna and relax afterwards, but not today, because Dacey needed to get back to Rutland for school.
Dacey has his big debut today. He is “Wolf” in Rutland’s One-act performance of “Not So Grimm Tales.” He will perform today and then again on Sunday evening at 7:00. Then they compete on Monday in Watertown.
Back to the problems at hand. Tomorrow will be the end of the second week. So, here we go guys. Use today for your “last-chance” workout. Eat right and get 15 minutes extra moving around today. It’s going to be beautiful, so if nothing else, go for a walk in the sunshine. Then, tonight or tomorrow morning, weigh yourself and send in your current weight to Make sure you tell them who you are and that you are on the Black Studios Team. Go, TEAM, Go!
The results for this week will be listed on Tuesday at the CC. I will get them posted as soon as I know. This week they did show us the other teams. There are 19 teams and over 180 participants. Thanks for all your participation.