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Brookings South Dakota Wedding Photography: Tim and Colleen

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While most people celebrate New Year’s Eve by attending parties with their friends, we photographed Tim & Colleen’s wedding on Monday afternoon and evening at St. Thomas More Church in Brookings.

We thought we’d share a few images from the reception slideshow of their wedding day.

We’ve known Tim and his family a long time. It seems just like yesterday that we did his senior pictures.

Almost everyone in the Brookings area knows who Tim is, especially if you followed hockey, football or baseball. Tim did it all and then headed north to NDSU to play for the Bison.

Tim and his bride Colleen now call Alaska home. Funny thing is that it was warmer way up north than what it was when Tim came back to South Dakota.


You know it’s a small world…we were busy taking couple pictures and in walked the father with one of his good friends: a Bishop from Alaska. The Bishop visited with the couple for a few minutes and then offerred them a special Blessing.

The church was decorated for the Christmas season which made a beautiful backdrop for the wedding.

If you’d like to visit with us about your upcoming wedding, we will be at the All Occasions Bridal Spectacular this Sunday, January 6th at the Ramkota Exhibit Hall in Sioux Falls from 1 to 5 pm.