Another early morning at the CC. We met Lisa at 6:45 to go swimming. Mike tried out goggles today. I try to swim with goggles and get claustrophobic. I don’t think I’m supposed to be that well acquainted with the bottom of the pool. Anyway, we had barely got started and the power went out. Since it was still basically dark outside and inside, we waited on the edge of the pool and then after 5 minutes, the lights came on, and we swam some more.
I am really feeling the workouts from earlier this week, so I struggled getting started, but I think I eventually found enough rhythm to get up and down the pool a few times. After we wore out from Lisa having us swim laps, she then had us swim sprints, as fast as we could go for just the short half of the pool. 20 total laps down and we were able to hit the hot tub for a few minutes.
Then when I hit the shower room, I found myself in the dark again. By the way, it’s really dark in the family locker room when the lights are out. Aaron promises to get the emergency lights fixed in there. But that was enough water adventure for me to last the whole day.
After our work out, we stopped to visit my grandmother for a few minutes. At almost 89, she still enjoys work outs at the nursing home using the new step machine or doing the group led calisthenics. The cc has a water aerobics class and an active and ageless aerobic class for the retired age group. It’s almost always full. I love to see former teachers and long time friends and neighbors up there staying active and busy. Guess it proves you’re never too old to take care of yourself, and for those of us that our lazy now, we have no excuses, so we better keep moving.
Hopefully, I’m going to keep my nose to the computer for the rest of the day, unless, I suppose, Mike tries to convince me I haven’t done enough exercise this week yet. But there’s a bb game tonight to keep him entertained. I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine, health and lots of playtime.